
5 Things That Will Nullify Your Mexico Auto Insurance – Avoid These At All Costs

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Mexico is a popular tourist destination, and more so for people from the US and Canada. Every year, thousands of people from these two countries drive into Mexico, be it for business or pleasure.
If you are planning to make a trip to Mexico in your own vehicle, you will need to get Mexican auto insurance. But even after purchasing an insurance policy for your vehicle, some factors may nullify or cancel your policy in the event of an accident.
Before we jump into what those factors are, let’s go through some basic information about Mexican auto insurance policies.
Why Is Mexico Auto Insurance Required?
First, you need to know that US or Canadian vehicle insurance policies are not valid in Mexico.
Secondly, if you get into an accident in Mexico, then as per Mexican laws, failing to pay for compensation and damage repairs can even land you in jail.
So basically, driving a vehicle in Mexico is risky if you don’t have valid car insurance. For this reason, it’s essential to get vehicle insurance from a Mexican insurance company.
But before purchasing the insurance policy, you should discuss all terms and conditions in detail with your insurance provider. It will be best if you have a clear idea of what situations your insurance will cover, and what things it won’t.
Now let’s take a look at various factors that can void your insurance policy. You should know about these so that there won’t be any trouble at the last moment if an accident does occur.
5 Things That Will Nullify a Mexican Vehicle Insurance

  1. When your vehicle gets involved in an accident or mishap, the person driving the vehicle at the time of the incident will also be held responsible for your claim to be rejected or approved. If some other person is driving your car, and the car gets in an accident, then your insurance may become invalid if:
    a. The person driving your vehicle is less than 21 years or older than 80 years. If you want
    someone in this age group to drive your vehicle, you need to specifically list the person in your
    insurance policy beforehand.
    b. The person driving your vehicle during the accident does not have a valid driver’s license.
    c. The person driving the vehicle has not been added to the insurance policy.
  2. Your insurance will become void if the vehicle registration in the US or Canada has not been updated. It is something you must check and confirm before starting your trip.
  3. If you break any Mexican laws, it may also invalidate your insurance. So go through some basic laws of the country, so that you don’t break any rules unintentionally.
    Speaking of laws, one important thing to remember is that you should never drink and drive. Even if you are in full control, if alcohol or other drugs is detected in your body while driving, then your car insurance will become void. Don’t drive under the influence of any substance, and ensure that someone else driving your car will also not do so.
  4. In case your vehicle gets stolen in Mexico, you need to file a report with the local authorities before claiming the insurance, or else it may become invalid.
  5. The claim is valid only if it is filed in Mexican boundaries. If for any reason, you file the claim while being outside of Mexico, the policy will be nullified.

So keep these 5 things in mind while getting Mexican auto insurance for your vehicle. It will help you avoid any situations where your insurance becomes invalid, causing you a lot of trouble.


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