
Cheap Mexico Travel Insurance – 3 Things To Know To Save On Your Trip

Mexico is an incredible country brimming with amazing cities, friendly locals, and exciting culture. If you are planning a trip to Mexico with your family, make sure that you carry enough coverage. To face any potential financial loss that can occur during your trip. Travel insurance is packed with several benefits to provide complete peace of mind to the traveler.

Unfortunately, travel can be expensive if you don’t know how to get cheap Mexico travel insurance. If you want to avoid spending way too much on your next trip to Mexico, keep reading for three things you should know about getting cheap Mexico travel insurance.

Why Do You Need Travel Insurance for Mexico?

Having travel insurance isn’t mandatory but should be your priority when planning a trip to Mexico. So, you can be covered against all the potential financial losses that can happen during the trip. Here are a few more reasons that you need to know about getting travel insurance for Mexico:

  • Coverage against medical emergencies: While traveling around the Mexican cities, any misfortune event can knock down, then what? Well, here comes the emergency medical facilities. All the medical costs are covered under this insurance policy and thus prevent you from spending thousands of dollars out of your pocket on such expensive medical bills.
  • Coverage against trip cancellation: Traveling abroad is one of the best experiences that one can have in their life. Therefore, consider getting this insurance policy today to avoid wasting the cost of the tickets out of your pocket. This policy will help you get a full refund of your money or reschedule your flight in case you’ve to cancel your trip for any reason.
  • Coverage against personal liability: While traveling, if you cause damage to someone else’s property or are found legally liable for someone else’s accidental bodily injury or death. You’ll be covered by this insurance policy under personal liability coverage.
  • Coverage against baggage loss: During the check-in period at the airport or in Mexico, if you lose your baggage, you’ll get reimbursed for the same by making a claim by your insurance provider.

How to Get Cheap Mexico Travel Insurance?

If you are planning a trip to Mexico, it’s essential to get travel insurance. But don’t overspend on your policy! Here are the three things you can do right now to get cheap Mexico travel insurance:

  1. Compare the Cost of Your Insurance Policy

You can’t purchase travel insurance without comparing the cost. So, take enough time to shop around and find the best deal. There are plenty of travel insurance companies out there, so you shouldn’t have a problem finding one that fits your needs and budget.

But remember, price isn’t the only factor you should consider. You also want to make sure the company you choose is reputable and has a good track record. Otherwise, you could be in for a nasty surprise if something goes wrong on your trip.


2.    Increase the deductible

Ask your insurer to increase the cost of deductibles as it helps in lowering the cost of premiums. But, make sure to have enough funds in the event of a claim. If you don’t know about deductibles, then it’s the amount that you have to pay upfront while making the claim which is not covered by the insurer. For example, if your claim amount is $5000, you will be asked to pay $2000, and the rest $3000 will be paid by your insurer once you paid the upfront cost.

3.    Consider the Coverage You Need

When you’re looking for cheap Mexico travel insurance, the first thing you need to do is consider the coverage you need. You don’t want to pay for something you’re not going to use, and you also want to be sure that you’re fully protected in case of an emergency.

That’s why it’s a good idea to take a look at the policy and see what’s covered. For example, does it include medical expenses? Emergency transport? Lost or stolen baggage? These are all important things to consider, and you don’t want to be caught off guard if something happens while you’re on vacation.

Moreover, dropping the baggage insurance would be a great idea if you’re not carrying any valuable things on your trip. Paying $2.5K wouldn’t be worth getting coverage against $200 worth of shorts, t-shirts, and a swimsuit.

So take some time to think about what you need and find a policy that fits your budget. You’ll be glad you did!


People with specific plans or those who are looking for specialized cover could still have to pay a little more. For example, if you plan on hiking in the jungle, swimming in rivers, or any other activity that increases the risk of mishaps. In that case, it might increase the cost of your premium. But make sure to check with everything while searching for cheap Mexico travel insurance, don’t fall for a policy that lacks good benefits, as it won’t pay off in the end. Considering the value is also very important when shopping around for an insurance policy.

It is possible to get cheap Mexico travel insurance. It may not be the cheapest out there, but with a bit of searching and research, you will be able to find one that fits well with your budget. Considering SmartGringo for your travel insurance needs will help you find one suitable for your needs.


Before you go...

Did you know our insurance partner, Baja Bound, has over 20 years of trust in the Mexican insurance industry? Get great insurance coverage in less than 5 minutes and see why they have so many happy customers.

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SmartGringo thanks you for being awesome, you are being redirected to our exceptional insurance partner, Baja Bound.  You'll be able to get your insurance online through them, and they're around in case you have any questions.   The agents there love insurance and LOVE Mexico!