In a joint announcement between OXXO and Chubb insurance, OXXO will begin selling temporary auto insurance for Mexican-plated cars traveling into the United States. Now people crossing into the US can stop in at one of the 20,000 OXXO stores to purchase a temporary car policy ranging from one-day to a year.
Like driving in Mexico, driving in the US without auto insurance is against the law, and you can see penalties from fines, license suspension, vehicle impoundment, and even loss of your visa to travel into the United States. Also just like in Mexico, your Mexican auto insurance policy is not recognized, so just as you need a Mexican insurance policy to drive in Mexico, you need a US insurance policy to drive in the USA.
Chubb is one of the insurance companies we offer through our partner at BajaBound and they have a solid reputation for insurance services for over 100 years and is the largest insurance company in the world.
If you are going the other direction and crossing from the United States to Mexico, then you need a Mexican car insurance policy, and SmartGringo can help!