
You Can Be Sent to Jail for Not Having Mexican Car Insurance


Do you also love to drive on Mexican roads? Or are you just planning to drive on Mexican roads? Most of us are familiar with the stunning beaches and places to visit in Mexico. But wait! Are you aware of the law enforced by the Mexican government? You could be sent to jail for not having Mexican car insurance. While driving, if you somehow get into a car accident, you can be sent to jail if you are found with a non-Mexican auto insurance policy. So, it’s better to carry Mexican car insurance while crossing the southern border. Well, we will discuss it in depth later in the following article, so make sure to scroll down to find out how to get Mexican car insurance to escape from being sent to jail.

Why do you need Mexican car insurance?

One of the biggest reasons for having Mexican car insurance is the laws enforced by the Mexican government that has mandated it. As you know, your U.S or Canadian car insurance policies are not recognized by the Mexican government. So, eventually, you have no other option than to purchase Mexican auto insurance. 

Furthermore, while driving in Mexico, if you become involved in a serious accident and are also found liable, the police may arrest you until the blame is assessed. Here comes a Mexican car insurance policy that gives you coverage against legal procedures by providing you with financial assistance and legal support. Whereas your car insurance issued from your home country wouldn’t be able to give you coverage against the worst scenarios as it is not legally valid for third-party liability in Mexico.

Apart from legal support, a car insurance policy also provides you with medical benefits, so that, in need of any medical emergency, you can be provided with the best medical assistance by getting coverage against medical expenses for you and your passengers. But keep in mind that this feature is just an add-on. That means, that while customizing your insurance policy, you will have to add this feature manually.

Moreover, you must also be well aware of the theft rate in Mexico. So, a Mexican car insurance policy also gives you reimbursement for the stealing of your car based on the current value of your car model by eliminating the depreciation value in some cases.

How to Get Mexican Car Insurance?

The process of getting Mexican car insurance is not as hard as it seems. It’s the same as purchasing insurance in your home country. To get the best car insurance for Mexico, you are required to meet a few requirements that are required by most insurance companies, which are listed below:

  • The date on which you are planning to drive to Mexico
  • Name of the place to which you’re planning to drive on
  • Value of your car
  • The model and made version of your car
  • The length of your stay in Mexico
  • Your driving license (your age must be 21+ or may have to pay an additional fee)
  • Your personal information such as your name, age, contact details, etc.

After providing all the information required by your insurance provider, you will need to check what you need coverage for. For better assistance in customizing your insurance policy, get a quote on SmartGringo, as we will help you to understand and customize your insurance policy in a more convenient manner so that you can find the best deal that will suit all your needs and your budget. Moreover, we do only offer policies from “A” rated insurance companies at affordable rates and great coverage.

Bottom Line:

You must now be well aware of the importance of Mexican car insurance. So, to avoid any financial and legal stress while enjoying driving on the Mexican roads with your family, get Mexican car insurance as this will help to provide you with coverage against many things that can negatively affect you and your pockets. So, don’t wait anymore and get a quote today, here at SmartGringo, to get the best deal!


Before you go...

Did you know our insurance partner, Baja Bound, has over 20 years of trust in the Mexican insurance industry? Get great insurance coverage in less than 5 minutes and see why they have so many happy customers.

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SmartGringo thanks you for being awesome, you are being redirected to our exceptional insurance partner, Baja Bound.  You'll be able to get your insurance online through them, and they're around in case you have any questions.   The agents there love insurance and LOVE Mexico!