
Health Insurance For Travel To Mexico

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It has been a tough time for travel enthusiasts with several worldwide lock-downs and ongoing pandemic restrictions. But now that the borders are finally opening up, you may want to take that dream vacation to your favorite destination in Mexico. But no matter how excited you are about your trip to Mexico, certain things must be thought through before starting your trip. Naturally, health insurance would top the list of such things. While Mexico does not mandate compulsory medical insurance for travelers, travel connoisseurs recommend getting one to stay on the safer side.

Here are some reasons why you should seriously consider getting health insurance well ahead of your trip to Mexico

Reasons To Get Mexican Health Insurance

Better Safety

It is always a good practice to understand the local laws of the country you are traveling to. And Mexican laws clearly state that you can exercise only valid Mexican medical insurance recognized by the Mexican government while in Mexico.

Validity Of Your Existing Insurance

Most of your existing medical insurances will not be accepted in Mexico.

Short Term Medical Insurance

Getting medical insurance for the actual duration of your stay lets you have flexible terms and better benefits at an affordable cost.

Medical Evacuation Benefit

With proper medical insurance, you can also use medical evacuation services that will help you fly back home in the safest way possible. A good medical insurance provider can arrange the necessary ambulance or flight arrangements to help you get back to your hospital of choice or travel back to your home country for further treatment.

Things To Consider While Choosing Health Medical Insurance

Travel medical insurance is beneficial and the best thing you can ever do to ensure a safe trip. But it is only as good as the insurance provider you choose. In many cases, people tend to choose the cheapest option available only to regret it later when they don’t get the necessary coverage they seek. You should also look into additional benefits like:

  • 24/7 customer support
  • Preferred language support
  • Flexible terms and premium options
  • Legal assistance
  • Air ambulance services
  • Group policies
  • Flexible cancellation and rescheduling

Do ensure you take due diligence when choosing your insurance provider. Make sure their promises hold by cross verifying with reliable sources, references, and previous customer testimonials.

Every insurance provider in Mexico is rated according to their credibility and quality of services by review sites. You should also look into whether the insurance provider is legitimate and has registered their services according to Mexican laws.

In that vein, SmartGringo is here to your rescue. SmartGringo provides a wide range of short-and long-term medical insurance coverages that can suit your particular needs. Our listings contain top-rated insurance products with an AAA rating only. We guide you into finding the best insurance and also help you cut down on your costs with the help of customizable deductibles. We also provide top-notch medical evacuation insurance that can fly you back home when needed.


Before you go...

Did you know our insurance partner, Baja Bound, has over 20 years of trust in the Mexican insurance industry? Get great insurance coverage in less than 5 minutes and see why they have so many happy customers.

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Baja Bound logo

SmartGringo thanks you for being awesome, you are being redirected to our exceptional insurance partner, Baja Bound.  You'll be able to get your insurance online through them, and they're around in case you have any questions.   The agents there love insurance and LOVE Mexico!